
I get paid less than people I do the same job as

I started a job as an intern at a pharmaceutical company through my high school and have been working there for about nine months. By every metric except official job title, I am an assistant. I do all of the assistant tasks plus other general upkeep tasks. And according to my coworkers, I do a better job than the people there with the official assistant job title. After hearing what my coworkers thought of my performance, I became curious of what the assistants pay rate was compared to mine, and it was a whopping $3/hr more than what i’m making. Just because I’m an intern on paper I get paid less lol. I’m asking for a raise. I’m not just some high schooler living off her parents anymore, I have tuition to pay. The money I’m making now barely puts a dent in it. I find it extremely unfair that…

I started a job as an intern at a pharmaceutical company through my high school and have been working there for about nine months. By every metric except official job title, I am an assistant. I do all of the assistant tasks plus other general upkeep tasks. And according to my coworkers, I do a better job than the people there with the official assistant job title. After hearing what my coworkers thought of my performance, I became curious of what the assistants pay rate was compared to mine, and it was a whopping $3/hr more than what i’m making. Just because I’m an intern on paper I get paid less lol. I’m asking for a raise. I’m not just some high schooler living off her parents anymore, I have tuition to pay. The money I’m making now barely puts a dent in it. I find it extremely unfair that I work harder at the same job as people who get paid more than me. I’m in this weird place of wanting to not work as hard because of this, but wanting to keep up my performance since my effort helps my lab technician coworkers, who I have good relationships with and respect.

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