
I had a fun idea for a website

I'm no coder, but I can't stop thinking about this. A website, that sends out 'fake' certificates via email. Basically, if you have a manager, or HR person, or really anyone similar whose job is pointless, but makes work less productive and more paiful by creating useless administrative tasks, or being a feudal lord type of person, you could write his or her email into a box on this website. Additionally, you could write in 3-4 additional emailadresses, that would also get a copy of the email. And finally, you could choose from approx 10 types of bullshit job types, or specificities on why the certificate was made. (Position makes the world a worse place, position steals actual work hours from producing, position is just there to create useless paperwork etc.) So the certificate would be made that “congrats xyz, you received recognition for your work in category 1/2/3…/10 of…

I'm no coder, but I can't stop thinking about this.

A website, that sends out 'fake' certificates via email. Basically, if you have a manager, or HR person, or really anyone similar whose job is pointless, but makes work less productive and more paiful by creating useless administrative tasks, or being a feudal lord type of person, you could write his or her email into a box on this website. Additionally, you could write in 3-4 additional emailadresses, that would also get a copy of the email. And finally, you could choose from approx 10 types of bullshit job types, or specificities on why the certificate was made. (Position makes the world a worse place, position steals actual work hours from producing, position is just there to create useless paperwork etc.) So the certificate would be made that “congrats xyz, you received recognition for your work in category 1/2/3…/10 of our survey on BSJ(bullshit jobs)”. And this would automatically send to the set emails. This is not to target anyone specifically, but there is a problem of too many managers managing managers and too much useless administration while real work is neglected so at least it could start a discussion. Idk, sorry if you think this is too mean, but dont worry, its probably not gonna be made anyways.

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