
Work refusing benefits?

I have a statement from my old employer that says I was no longer employed as of 7/14. Fair enough, but when I tried to withdrawal my 401k of $1,200, Merril Lynch told me my account was still listed as active by my old employer. The financier I spoke to suggested I wait for my last check to show tonight, then contact their HR in the morning. The issue: HR for Labconco Corporation is an absolute joke. They only defend their own and make regular employee’s lives hell. I feel like they’re pulling one last shady thing just to fuck me over because I quit for someone else. Any thoughts, Reddit?

I have a statement from my old employer that says I was no longer employed as of 7/14. Fair enough, but when I tried to withdrawal my 401k of $1,200, Merril Lynch told me my account was still listed as active by my old employer.

The financier I spoke to suggested I wait for my last check to show tonight, then contact their HR in the morning.

The issue: HR for Labconco Corporation is an absolute joke. They only defend their own and make regular employee’s lives hell. I feel like they’re pulling one last shady thing just to fuck me over because I quit for someone else.

Any thoughts, Reddit?

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