
Canadian human resource center exploiting citizens

To whom it may concern, I am a Canadian citizen residing in central Canada and I am being forced to apply for 3 to 5 jobs a day to continue to be eligible for Manitoba provincial income assistance by a private organization known as Opportunities for employment or OFE or more colorfully known as Opportunities for Evil. This organization entraps citizens into forced servitude regardless of physical and professional capacity to be employed providing services for employment positions or opportunities. I’m a type 2 diabetic and my feet are literally swollen from sitting at a desk trying to search online for reasonable employment positions and write resume revisions and apply for those jobs. In 2021 I was forced by OFE to accept employment at covid hot zone infected old age health care facilities while possessing zero experience or proficiency with providing responsible health care, by accepting employment from an OFE…

To whom it may concern,

I am a Canadian citizen residing in central Canada and I am being forced to apply for 3 to 5 jobs a day to continue to be eligible for Manitoba provincial income assistance by a private organization known as Opportunities for employment or OFE or more colorfully known as Opportunities for Evil.

This organization entraps citizens into forced servitude regardless of physical and professional capacity to be employed providing services for employment positions or opportunities.

I’m a type 2 diabetic and my feet are literally swollen from sitting at a desk trying to search online for reasonable employment positions and write resume revisions and apply for those jobs.

In 2021 I was forced by OFE to accept employment at covid hot zone infected old age health care facilities while possessing zero experience or proficiency with providing responsible health care, by accepting employment from an OFE employment partner while not vaccinated for covid or risk financial government benefits eligibility being terminated potentially permanently.

Fortunately I found employment without assistance or support from OFE and was spared from life threatening risk of physical health exploitation for corporate profit during a pandemic.

I'm a highly proficient professional of my trade possessing senior level employment references and in excess of 20 years practical experience in my profession and have repeatedly fallen on hard times securing gainful employment in recent years and OFE insists my experience be ignored.

Manitoba income assistance, a Canadian provincial social agency has been infiltrated by a nefarious corrupt private organization that has been forcing all non medically exempt individuals to sign agreements waiving their civil rights resulting in forced participation of OFE programs.

This same organization chose to risk the lives of Manitoba’s most vulnerable citizens for corporate profit.

The prevalence of OFE involvement has only worsened since 2021. There is no choice offered by Manitoba income assistance other than to accept the forced agreement to attend OFE programs and accepting this terminates enrollment with provincial government civil income assistance.

I question if there is government and private organization corruption and collusion responsible for all of Manitoba income assistance clients being forced to attend OFE programs.

I have needed to apply for Manitoba financial income assistance support again this year and have been forced to re-engage with the same OFE organization.

I am also being forced to disclose my employment contacts and employment leads to OFE in exchange for pitiful amounts of financial compensation payments.

I have applied for and disclosed dozens of career employment leads with salaries starting at $50,000 /yr exceeding $100,000 /yr for major career Mantioba and Canadian employers and after disclosing these employment correspondences none of the opportunities remained available to me.

I am also forced to apply for employment positions supplied by this OFE agency for minimum wage performing employment roles I have no proficiency or capability to perform, while my salaried positions I’ve revealed have discontinued responding to my attempts to communicate.

If you have read this letter I believe I am being taken advantage of by OFE and my employment contacts being used to the advantage of OFE employees for company profit. Many Winnipeg local HR staffing recruiters now working for other for profit human resources staffing firms have worked for OFE in the past.

I regret the inconvenience of applying for 3 to 5 jobs a day I have no proficiency to be employed performing places on businesses of Canada and unduly wastes business resources only worsening the employment market waiting times to become gainfully and productively employed.

If this message finds you concerned please know that I apologize for wasting the valuable time of business organizations across Canada.

I do not know who else to contact regarding this concern.

This OFE organization claims to have the best interests of Winnipeg’s disadvantaged citizens but in my experience this has proven to have potentially put my health at serious risk and waste HR staff resources of employers across the nation.

I hope someone with government authority seriously has a hard look at the merits of this organization’s enforced involvement with Canadian citizens. Citizens of Manitoba and Winnipeg deserve better than being put at risk, forced to be a burden on productive gainful society and exploited for corporate gain.

Please help those who are being forced to not be able to help themselves.

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