
I feel robbed and stupid

So I (19F) started working a summer job at my local school district as a cafeteria assistant. I have to wake up super early to be there at 6am, but since we're making meals for the community and summer school programs, this job doesn't feel as soul sucking as my previous restaurant job. I like this job. BUT. I applied for the full time position (which I believe paid around 18-20 an hour), but then HR told me it was filled and I would instead be working as a sub/on-call. That was fine with me. But then since they are so 'short-staffed', I am expected to show up every day. I show up for four days a week, because I wanted a day off, but I am working for 8 hours and doing the same amount of work as the other people who I presume did not get hired as…

So I (19F) started working a summer job at my local school district as a cafeteria assistant. I have to wake up super early to be there at 6am, but since we're making meals for the community and summer school programs, this job doesn't feel as soul sucking as my previous restaurant job. I like this job. BUT.

I applied for the full time position (which I believe paid around 18-20 an hour), but then HR told me it was filled and I would instead be working as a sub/on-call. That was fine with me. But then since they are so 'short-staffed', I am expected to show up every day. I show up for four days a week, because I wanted a day off, but I am working for 8 hours and doing the same amount of work as the other people who I presume did not get hired as subs.

I check my paystub and lo and behold, I am getting paid 15 bucks an hour. What the fuck.

I think hiring me as a sub was very strategic. But I feel like I can't say anything because technically I “agreed” to this sub position, so I have no leverage. I even went back to check the original job posting for the SUB position (which I didn't check in the first place because I did not apply to be a sub, they offered me this position), and it says that the highest pay is 15.89. I'm not even getting my 89 cents. I just feel stupid for having my hopes up, stupid for not checking the job posting, stupid for not asking questions earlier, ugh. I'm transferring to an expensive college, and I won't have time to work during the school year, and this isn't even enough money to pay for one month of rent in the Bay Area 🙁 I am just sad

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