
I was being paid $5 less an hour than I was promised without knowing, when brought up to my employer they said my position changed depending if we had customers or not?

So I started working in a private and upscale towards the end 2018, when I signed up we agreed on $20/hr as a full time employee, doing mostly food running and serving but helping everywhere needed (we did mostly catering and corporate events so there were a lot of moving pieces), when 2019 came around we didn't have many events since Jan-Mar are very slow months for catering/restaurants. They told me they could offer me hours doing general setups and whatever events we had, which workd great for me.Iinitially the just started paying me less off the bat without telling me, when I brought up my checks being less than before it was explained to me that they could give me some hours but I would only be paid 15/hr for work done when customers were not in the premises. I accepted back then since I had just moved to…

So I started working in a private and upscale towards the end 2018, when I signed up we agreed on $20/hr as a full time employee, doing mostly food running and serving but helping everywhere needed (we did mostly catering and corporate events so there were a lot of moving pieces), when 2019 came around we didn't have many events since Jan-Mar are very slow months for catering/restaurants. They told me they could offer me hours doing general setups and whatever events we had, which workd great for me.Iinitially the just started paying me less off the bat without telling me, when I brought up my checks being less than before it was explained to me that they could give me some hours but I would only be paid 15/hr for work done when customers were not in the premises.

I accepted back then since I had just moved to the city and I really liked the place (I thought it was a great place to develop myself for the industry), but the more I look back I feel like I shouldn't have agreed to it and that it was very likely they were doing similar stuff (paying less to people based on bullshit criteria and not telling them until they figure it out themselves)

Did I have my wages stolen? I signed when employed fo 20/hr but dumb young me did not ask for a copy of that, and later in 2019 I was let go from the place since my performance took a huge hit after personal situations. Is there anything to do at this point other than learn from the experience?

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