
Why not try something different?

I see so many posts recently about people unable to get jobs because they aren't entry level or lack of experience in the work force or just downright shitty environments that they can't stand but don't have a choice. Why don't y'all try a different career path then? Something that never crossed your mind kind of thing. There are plenty of entry level jobs in career paths in manual jabor jobs like landscaping or construction. I was a Comp Sci major before I dropped out and even before that I wanted nothing to do with a job like my dad's who was a golf course maintenance worker. I saw how it drained him and I swore I would never do shit like that. Well after I dropped out I was kind of trapped. Living with my parents with no job, no license, no car, or people willing to teach me…

I see so many posts recently about people unable to get jobs because they aren't entry level or lack of experience in the work force or just downright shitty environments that they can't stand but don't have a choice.

Why don't y'all try a different career path then? Something that never crossed your mind kind of thing.

There are plenty of entry level jobs in career paths in manual jabor jobs like landscaping or construction.

I was a Comp Sci major before I dropped out and even before that I wanted nothing to do with a job like my dad's who was a golf course maintenance worker. I saw how it drained him and I swore I would never do shit like that.

Well after I dropped out I was kind of trapped. Living with my parents with no job, no license, no car, or people willing to teach me to drive. Then my dad asked me for help one night because he was short staffed and pretty much desperate. So I reluctantly agreed.

And I was practically useless. At that point I ran a weedwhacker once in my life and hadn't driven anything in literally years. I couldn't even start half the equipment myself or had a clue what I was doing.

But I liked it.

It was fun running machines and even better once I got put on the industrial grade equipment. It was fun, if terrifying at first. Bonus points for being left alone all by myself for 8 hours a day listening to music or audible or just cruising in silence.

It's been 6 years and I can't imagine myself sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day anymore.

TL;DR try a different career path and you might find you enjoy it way more than you thought you would

Edit: And for the record, before all the angry “The whole point is to NOT work!” show up and downvote the reality is we still have to work whether we want to or not. So why not try something new instead of sticking to the same thing causing you mental and physical distress/health issues?

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