
You Must Have a Mission Failure

True story: “Joe” a software guy making very little money (military) and was also very good at hardware. He would stay late and build computers, and do things that made his bosses look good. However, he was not getting promoted, and was told he wouldn't get promoted. The reason was that he was a pretty weird dude, and def didn't fit the military standard of hard-charging soldier. Joe came to me and wanted help. “Stop working,” I told him. He didn't think he could. For one, he liked his work, and for two, it wasn't how he operated. “Joe, if you keep doing everyone's job, they'll keep going to the gym and laughing at you while they all get promoted. By the time they're done with you, they'll get promoted again and you'll be forced out due to not attaining rank.” He thought it over and I reinforced his new…

True story:

“Joe” a software guy making very little money (military) and was also very good at hardware. He would stay late and build computers, and do things that made his bosses look good.

However, he was not getting promoted, and was told he wouldn't get promoted.

The reason was that he was a pretty weird dude, and def didn't fit the military standard of hard-charging soldier.

Joe came to me and wanted help.

“Stop working,” I told him.

He didn't think he could. For one, he liked his work, and for two, it wasn't how he operated.

“Joe, if you keep doing everyone's job, they'll keep going to the gym and laughing at you while they all get promoted. By the time they're done with you, they'll get promoted again and you'll be forced out due to not attaining rank.”

He thought it over and I reinforced his new mission.

“You are a private. Privates don't know shit, and ain't gonna be shit. So don't do shit except be a private. Any questions they have about your lack of work, tell them you need the training.”

[In the military you're not expected to do things they didn't teach you in a school that you graduated]

When Joe cashed in his chips, they sent him to 2 training courses. He excelled in the courses, and while there was approved for the promotion he'd been denied.

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