
Feeling stuck and sad

Is this really it? I’m 25 and have been working since I was 12. Is this what my life will be? I work 45 hours a week sweating my ass off for a shitty paycheck. My passion is music, I only want to play my guitar but making money off that isn’t much easier. I want more time to tell my gf how much I love her, I don’t want to be this stressed forever, I want to make music. I want a lust for life, but why lust for this? This will never end and I’ll die working like my grandpa. I’ve tried to be the best employee, I’ve won employee of the month but all I get is more and more and more work. I WANT OUT I WANT OFF THIS FUCKING RIDE I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE BEFORE I CANT. Sorry for bad formatting on mobile,…

Is this really it? I’m 25 and have been working since I was 12. Is this what my life will be? I work 45 hours a week sweating my ass off for a shitty paycheck. My passion is music, I only want to play my guitar but making money off that isn’t much easier. I want more time to tell my gf how much I love her, I don’t want to be this stressed forever, I want to make music. I want a lust for life, but why lust for this? This will never end and I’ll die working like my grandpa. I’ve tried to be the best employee, I’ve won employee of the month but all I get is more and more and more work. I WANT OUT I WANT OFF THIS FUCKING RIDE I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE BEFORE I CANT.

Sorry for bad formatting on mobile, I just needed to get something’s of my chest. Thank you. Fuck making other people rich.

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