
Just went through two levels of an interview process just to be told they aren’t “expanding” their footprint to this area like they said….

Needless to say, I'm pretty pissed off. I've been job searching for the last few months and got called about a position at a rather large company. Essentially, I would've been joining a small team working within my field and it would've been a significant pay raise, — their work had increased (in a good way) and they realized they needed a new permanent position. I went through the first interview with the company's recruiter and then a second interview with the person I would be working with. It went well and I was told that their head of HR would get back to me in a few days (they were on PTO). Well HR calls me today just to tell me that they're not expanding into my city like they had initially thought, then had the audacity to ask if I would consider relocating. (I told them in the…

Needless to say, I'm pretty pissed off. I've been job searching for the last few months and got called about a position at a rather large company. Essentially, I would've been joining a small team working within my field and it would've been a significant pay raise, — their work had increased (in a good way) and they realized they needed a new permanent position. I went through the first interview with the company's recruiter and then a second interview with the person I would be working with. It went well and I was told that their head of HR would get back to me in a few days (they were on PTO). Well HR calls me today just to tell me that they're not expanding into my city like they had initially thought, then had the audacity to ask if I would consider relocating. (I told them in the first interview how I had just bought a house and considered my city my permanent home for the foreseeable future). At no point during either interview was my location seen as an issue. I'm honestly at a loss for words and furious that I wasted so much time and energy with them (I had to take off time from my current job for the second interview). HR also tells me that they'll let me know next week on a final decision…. I hope they don't call me, I honestly couldn't care any less than I already do…

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