
2 outta 3 co-workers have strep, I’m feverish and vomiting, and one of the infected workers has to go in

Good fucking lord do I hate my job. I started working at a CBD shop in the mall a few weeks back, thought everything was gonna be sunshine and rainbows. Boy was I wrong. Not only are most of the products too expensive for anyone to reasonably afford, we only have 4 workers on top of it, myself included. My manager and her boyfriend who also works there both caught strep throat after a trip to California (that damn Cali trip left just me and my other coworker working for 7 days straight). I've been sick for a day and a half with a fever, and can't hold anything down. The boyfriend just asked me to cover for him because of his strep diagnosis, but of course I can't go in, I'd get people sick. So now he has to go in, while contagious, to serve fucking CBD tea to…

Good fucking lord do I hate my job. I started working at a CBD shop in the mall a few weeks back, thought everything was gonna be sunshine and rainbows. Boy was I wrong. Not only are most of the products too expensive for anyone to reasonably afford, we only have 4 workers on top of it, myself included. My manager and her boyfriend who also works there both caught strep throat after a trip to California (that damn Cali trip left just me and my other coworker working for 7 days straight). I've been sick for a day and a half with a fever, and can't hold anything down. The boyfriend just asked me to cover for him because of his strep diagnosis, but of course I can't go in, I'd get people sick. So now he has to go in, while contagious, to serve fucking CBD tea to customers, because the mall will fine the store if it closes earlier than 7:00pm and my shitty boss doesn't want to pay that. Understandably so, the only healthy worker doesn't want to work from 10am to 7pm. I don't understand why our boss didn't hire more than 4 people before leaving us to go off to his other store locations. We can't hire more people cause the manager is sick. This place cannot function with 4 people alone, and this is a prime example why. This place is likely going to go under, we only make $200-$400 per day, some days we don't even make a sale. I'm so fucking ready to just up and quit without notice and get a job at a dispensary, I have my OLCC approved anyways. I wish I never got a job at this place, it's been nothing but an inconvenient nightmare.

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