
In the hospital, just got off the phone with…contract being terminated due to excess absences

I'll admit my health isn't the best, and I call out on days when my stomach issues would be more disruptive due to racing to the bathroom all the time. I took three days off to stay with my mom after she got out of the hospital with 3 blood clots in her lungs. Checked into the hospital myself on Monday for suspected cellulitis and bad infection. A CT scan also revealed a 8mm kidney stone. So, overall, I'm pretty miserable. My boss called me today for a “meeting” with an HR guy. They're terminating my contract for excess absences, despite all my sick time and PTO and will work to find me a position somewhere else in the company. Such a great day

I'll admit my health isn't the best, and I call out on days when my stomach issues would be more disruptive due to racing to the bathroom all the time. I took three days off to stay with my mom after she got out of the hospital with 3 blood clots in her lungs. Checked into the hospital myself on Monday for suspected cellulitis and bad infection. A CT scan also revealed a 8mm kidney stone. So, overall, I'm pretty miserable.

My boss called me today for a “meeting” with an HR guy. They're terminating my contract for excess absences, despite all my sick time and PTO and will work to find me a position somewhere else in the company.

Such a great day

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