
The idea of a nation has fallen

It's hard for me to think of America and every other major country as a nation any longer. It feels more like large chunks of land where people are trying to survive while the elites have access to corruption. We live in a police state that doesn't guarantee our freedom and are nothing but tax cows to the elites high above us. Race and color doesn't not oppress us, the government and the elites do. No wonder why morale is so low. The demoralzation of the world has been an on going process and the elites have tricked us into fighting each other rather than who is actually oppressing us.

It's hard for me to think of America and every other major country as a nation any longer. It feels more like large chunks of land where people are trying to survive while the elites have access to corruption. We live in a police state that doesn't guarantee our freedom and are nothing but tax cows to the elites high above us. Race and color doesn't not oppress us, the government and the elites do. No wonder why morale is so low. The demoralzation of the world has been an on going process and the elites have tricked us into fighting each other rather than who is actually oppressing us.

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