
My employer enforces a social media policy

The company I work for has a “social media policy” stating that employees cannot post anything about the company in a bad light because the community can recognize us online and we still represent the company. If we do post something nice about the company we're required to identify ourselves as an employee and use the hashtag #iwork4company. A coworker of mine vented some work frustrations over Facebook (some people weren't wearing masks while it was mandatory and he was mad that our company wasn't enforcing the mandate) and I commented on it. We both got pulled into the office together and I was given a warning to watch myself and what I post online.

The company I work for has a “social media policy” stating that employees cannot post anything about the company in a bad light because the community can recognize us online and we still represent the company. If we do post something nice about the company we're required to identify ourselves as an employee and use the hashtag #iwork4company.
A coworker of mine vented some work frustrations over Facebook (some people weren't wearing masks while it was mandatory and he was mad that our company wasn't enforcing the mandate) and I commented on it. We both got pulled into the office together and I was given a warning to watch myself and what I post online.

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