
Potential employer harassed me to work and then screws me over

A month before the pandemic I was starting to train at this job as an assistant teacher. It seemed good because I was in college to be an actual teacher. I needed to get my finger printing and things done before I officially worked. I warned her about the pandemic and she said not to worry, they would shut down but not for more than a week. This was 3/17/20 they shut down the next day. My finger printing was delayed 6 more months. During these 6 months she kept harassing me to wait and to not accept other jobs because they were opening new locations. Finally I signed up for unemployment under the fact the pandemic didn’t let me work. She called 10 more times 3x I went to her office on an appointment she wasn’t there conveniently. What a way to waste time. I blocked the schools number.…

A month before the pandemic I was starting to train at this job as an assistant teacher. It seemed good because I was in college to be an actual teacher. I needed to get my finger printing and things done before I officially worked. I warned her about the pandemic and she said not to worry, they would shut down but not for more than a week. This was 3/17/20 they shut down the next day. My finger printing was delayed 6 more months. During these 6 months she kept harassing me to wait and to not accept other jobs because they were opening new locations. Finally I signed up for unemployment under the fact the pandemic didn’t let me work. She called 10 more times 3x I went to her office on an appointment she wasn’t there conveniently. What a way to waste time. I blocked the schools number. I asked her recently if she could give me a letter that she was going to hire me but couldn’t due to the pandemic that prevented me from working, she told me I have nothing to do with her because I never signed a contract and we were never serious about anything. I’m so upset what an awful woman. I submitted the finger printing letters with the school stamp to the DOL and explained there was no help from her. Seriously what kind of humans are these she screwed me dangling fake promises of work to disappear everytime in a time when people were dying to work. And then in the end she had no sympathy, she just didn’t care after I waited and showed up to her after she promised me jobs. So upset

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