
Boss branded me out as the bad guy and wanted me to apologize. For the first time in my life, I did not.

I wanted to quit my job. I hate the way the children were being yelled at by my boss. I hate going in always dreading what she is going to yell about today. I hate being retramutized when she yells at her husband and reminds me of my divorced parents arguments. I hate how she doesn't understand how much my dog's death STILL affects me. I hate how strict and tense she always is. I really hate how I can't quit this job because I'm almost done with school. I'm holding out until January and really hate how the US doesn't make college free and how I have to either sign away my soul for student loans or work and go to school. I was going to quit my job, put in my one month notice. My boss yelled at me for giving workers more hours and I was done.…

I wanted to quit my job. I hate the way the children were being yelled at by my boss. I hate going in always dreading what she is going to yell about today. I hate being retramutized when she yells at her husband and reminds me of my divorced parents arguments. I hate how she doesn't understand how much my dog's death STILL affects me. I hate how strict and tense she always is.
I really hate how I can't quit this job because I'm almost done with school. I'm holding out until January and really hate how the US doesn't make college free and how I have to either sign away my soul for student loans or work and go to school.
I was going to quit my job, put in my one month notice. My boss yelled at me for giving workers more hours and I was done. I had to change my mind because my staff was begging me not to leave and I had to drive some people to work and I felt cruel that I would leave them without a job as well because they couldn't get to work. I told everyone I'm done when my school is done. I am a supervisor who went above and beyond when honestly, I shouldn't have. I now see that jobs don't care and do the bare minimum. Screw anything else.

She cornered me today and told me she was extremely hurt and losing sleep over my decision to leave and how she doesn't trust if I'm going to stay and can leave at anytime. I admitted that I don't trust her and she was offended. She puts me on a higher pedestal than other workers which I HATE. she literally said how me leaving isn't the same as others because I'm more important. She expected me to apologize for causing her pain, but I didn't. I didn't feel guilty, I didn't feel sorry. I regret not quitting even more to be quite honest. I usually feel really guilty when someone tells me I hurt them, even when they suck, but I guess I'm growing because I didn't. I really could care less about her feelings because she is really mean, strict, and takes advantage of teenagers. She's not a nice person not matter how progressive she thinks she is just because she supports democrats. She's still a capitalist boss and doesn't deserve my guilt. I feel proud of myself but really can't wait until school is done.

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