
LinkedIn – Right wing cesspool!!

As each day passes LinkedIn is becoming more and more a platform for insane right wing ideology. These aren't CEO's posting garbage, it is everyday people in many of the same positions as we are in. Part of me feels sad that these folks are mired in ignorance and another part of me is pissed off that these people are digging their heels in regarding their ignorant points of view. If violent revolution takes place right now the ultra rich will cackle with glee, because we won't be pulling them out of their high ivory towers. We will be fighting each other, we will be killing each other and when the dust settles there won't be enough of us left to make a difference. Perhaps I am in a negative frame of mind, but I am not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. What do you all…

As each day passes LinkedIn is becoming more and more a platform for insane right wing ideology.

These aren't CEO's posting garbage, it is everyday people in many of the same positions as we are in.

Part of me feels sad that these folks are mired in ignorance and another part of me is pissed off that these people are digging their heels in regarding their ignorant points of view.

If violent revolution takes place right now the ultra rich will cackle with glee, because we won't be pulling them out of their high ivory towers. We will be fighting each other, we will be killing each other and when the dust settles there won't be enough of us left to make a difference.

Perhaps I am in a negative frame of mind, but I am not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel.

What do you all think? Do you see hope?

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