
Company wants me on the team months after interview, salary renegotiation’s in order.

Back in April I went through an intensive interview process for a senior developer role at an agency. They were offering 75k. I don’t need a job, per se, but I’m partial to not losing my mind and sanity by twiddling my thumbs day in and day out waiting for a miracle. Since the April interview, which felt was my best yet, months have passed by without so much as a “thanks for your time but go fuck yourself”. Since April, many things have changed, i.e. the economy. I was in negotiation for a different, remote role offering 90k when the agency contacts me during this interview. They had structure changes but seem confident enough in having me to reach back out and ask me if I still want the role. Since Covid, I’ve had a difficult time getting remote or any work. I don’t put in 100% WFH. I…

Back in April I went through an intensive interview process for a senior developer role at an agency. They were offering 75k.

I don’t need a job, per se, but I’m partial to not losing my mind and sanity by twiddling my thumbs day in and day out waiting for a miracle.

Since the April interview, which felt was my best yet, months have passed by without so much as a “thanks for your time but go fuck yourself”.

Since April, many things have changed, i.e. the economy. I was in negotiation for a different, remote role offering 90k when the agency contacts me during this interview. They had structure changes but seem confident enough in having me to reach back out and ask me if I still want the role.

Since Covid, I’ve had a difficult time getting remote or any work. I don’t put in 100% WFH. I hated taking home with me and I didn’t want to get stuck working in a toxic work environment or for somebody that makes me want to commit a double homicide and blow my brains out.

Suffice to say, If I have to work, I’m going to try my best to learn from past mistakes and also have fun making my cake and eating it too.

I also want to own a home with my S/O someday. I know it’s a big ask nowadays but rent sucks. My roommates are my parents and 6 siblings. I have no space for activities, walls are paper thin and I’m over fuckin’ 30 and have been married 6 years.

I recently completed community service for something foolish. The service was at a local park. Many of the workers were younger and busted their ass for 13-15 an hour maintaining this park, day in and day out. A vicious cycle of constant smelly garbage, ticks, and heat. Meanwhile forest rangers took a test and get to waste away their days cruising around the park in the comfort of an air conditioned vehicle and a decent salary.

It was just reminder to me how harshly working will treat if you don’t have your wits about you, keep your head on a damn swivel and a manage to stay a step ahead of the game.

I ave at least 10 years of IT experience, no CompSci degree and never managed to earn more than a 45k salary.

I spent the better part of 7 years in a IT role, receiving one raise. Ironically it came days after I married.

To keep my mind busy, I either overwork myself or if there is no work I bitterly scroll this subreddit. I would often work 12 hour days. I don’t know if I did it to punish myself or to continue to teach myself something. Ultimately, this brain drain was like overeating chocolate to a point I never wanted anymore in my life.

In a parallel universe, not so different from this one, the relationship between my PC and myself has been on and off. We both have short memory. I have been seeing mobile devices and tablets on the side. After 7 years with it in my office, I brought it home to work during Covid and we have just been together since. In all likelihood, my PC yearns for TLC and misses being rapid clicked. It kind of sounds like my relationship with my S/O.

Anyway, my prior IT manager was a less of mentor or manager and more of a bother. Often throwing me under the bus for his mistakes, acting as though his fuck ups were solely my fault. I got satisfaction whenever he would tell me my opinion is wrong only to learn it wasn’t. Instead of receiving some half-assed apology, he resorts to rambling on vaguely in a condescending, nasally tone.

My manager would often interrupt my work flow. Usually to dump his personal life problems on me like a therapist. His wife works in the medical field. She is, ironically, m 100% holistic and anti-vaxx. Manager often wined visits to holistic doctor weren’t covered in our health plan. She spends too much at Target. The wife sells MLMs and uses husband to hawk products to colleagues. They blame vaccines at birth for their 6 y/o son’s anger issues but the 4 y/o daughter, who runs into often and may be on the spectrum has never received a medical shot. This was just one aspect of my prior workplace environment that I grew tired of.

Needless to say, back in April my interview with the agency offered 75k. Months have passed since and I feel it’s only right to request a renegotiation of salary for this new role. I don’t know if I’ll get raises or where the economy will be in another year. So I figure why not strike while the iron is hot.

So, is 75k even enough anymore? I have to account for necessary costs like healthcare, car, insurance, fuel, clothes, lunch, economic recession, and various expenses with the goal of being able to own a home before I die. I’m not looking to get rich or
be greedy man. I’m just curious if it’s worth the worry at that rate now.

Should I shoot for the moon and reason my way to a fair salary or let them make me an offer so I may counter?

TL; DR Covid was blessing and curse. Last company went under laying me off on Christmas. Requested a title promotion to help career but denied afternoon 7 years committed to this company even after receiving one raise. Depressed from failing one tele interview after another had all but given up. I became invested with investing. Using my profit share to buy meme stocks, I Earned more than any choice salary. May find myself employed again with company I interviewed in April who have reached out to me, months later. I guess balls in my court? Is there a rule of thumb to this sort of thing?

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