
Why I’m r/antiwork

I've never been interested in 'work' as most people use the word. I have no interest at all in wasting my effort on things that I do not enjoy or find fulfillment in doing. Work as most people use it as a dirty word, “its a living,” they say like some kind of animal on the Flintstones standing in for an appliance. I was never interested in that, it's surviving, not living, I live, I do things that I feel fulfilled doing, I don't waste time being miserable doing tasks I find distasteful for people do not like in exchange for money. I grew up surrounded by miserable adults who just survived and worked at things they hated, changing jobs constantly and being financially strained and stressed out pretty much all the time and I said “No, and I am not going to thank you.” I'm not what people might…

I've never been interested in 'work' as most people use the word. I have no interest at all in wasting my effort on things that I do not enjoy or find fulfillment in doing. Work as most people use it as a dirty word, “its a living,” they say like some kind of animal on the Flintstones standing in for an appliance. I was never interested in that, it's surviving, not living, I live, I do things that I feel fulfilled doing, I don't waste time being miserable doing tasks I find distasteful for people do not like in exchange for money. I grew up surrounded by miserable adults who just survived and worked at things they hated, changing jobs constantly and being financially strained and stressed out pretty much all the time and I said “No, and I am not going to thank you.”

I'm not what people might call thriving financially, I barely do better than minimum wage right now, but I go to my job happy and I leave happy almost every day and my happiness is a better measure of success to me than whatever other people want to measure it by. I love what I do and for me that is success, I would rather be happy and poor than miserable and slightly less poor.

I wish the same success for all my fellow laborers, I want people to be able to feel fulfilled and still get by, I want us all to be treated with respect and decency as human beings and not just abused cogs in a soulless capital machine that views us as less than expendable. That is why I'm antiwork!

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