
If traditionally “dead-end” jobs paid a living wage, I’d happily work one

Okay, well maybe not 'happily'. But the point is that I don't care about having a “career”. Never have. I went to college and got a degree in a STEM field because I think I'm pretty good at it and I make decent money, but there's still so much that I have to learn every day, and there's the inherent pressure to advance your career and keep moving upwards. But if it were possible to survive (without having to scrimp and save every dime) on a job without any sort of upwards career trajectory, I'd honestly take that without blinking. To be able to have a job where you just clock in, do your shit, and then go home without having to worry about anything else? That sounds pretty great to me. I don't give a shit about my job, I work because I have to. Hell, I might even…

Okay, well maybe not 'happily'. But the point is that I don't care about having a “career”. Never have. I went to college and got a degree in a STEM field because I think I'm pretty good at it and I make decent money, but there's still so much that I have to learn every day, and there's the inherent pressure to advance your career and keep moving upwards.

But if it were possible to survive (without having to scrimp and save every dime) on a job without any sort of upwards career trajectory, I'd honestly take that without blinking. To be able to have a job where you just clock in, do your shit, and then go home without having to worry about anything else? That sounds pretty great to me. I don't give a shit about my job, I work because I have to. Hell, I might even be willing to put up with something like retail if I were actually compensated properly for it (and along with this, treated like an actual human being. Not the robot slaves that most retail workers get treated like)

I went on this really amazing vacation earlier in the year through a few countries in Europe, and it just really put things into perspective for me. With my current job, I actually have to give some effort in terms of my knowledge, keeping updated, and retaining important things. But being able to travel and just enjoy life for two weeks on vacation, it showed me how much I really don't care about having a job or a career. If I had a job where I could basically just go on auto-pilot for the entire time and then go home, I'd honestly prefer that because I wouldn't have to expend as much effort. The only issue is that these days, jobs like that obviously don't pay very much (which I suppose makes sense, because it doesn't require as much effort).

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