
Coworker found out my salary is more than others

My coworker and I were chatting and started on about overtime and lead us to talking about hourly pay. We are both salary so I truly don't know my hourly wage but she asked my salary and found out I made more than her. About 4k more. We both have similar coop experience in university and this is both of our first jobs right out of school. She told me everyone else in our position made the same as her. Keep in mind I was hired in February and she was hired in October. I told her that I talked about my desired salary before I was hired and was uprofont about how much I wanted to make. They offered me 1k less than I asked for and I accepted. She said she never negotiated and just signed the contract without much thought. She plans on going to our boss…

My coworker and I were chatting and started on about overtime and lead us to talking about hourly pay. We are both salary so I truly don't know my hourly wage but she asked my salary and found out I made more than her. About 4k more. We both have similar coop experience in university and this is both of our first jobs right out of school.

She told me everyone else in our position made the same as her. Keep in mind I was hired in February and she was hired in October. I told her that I talked about my desired salary before I was hired and was uprofont about how much I wanted to make. They offered me 1k less than I asked for and I accepted. She said she never negotiated and just signed the contract without much thought.

She plans on going to our boss and asking for more money and mention me in her argument for more. Will this any way affect me and my salary? I am a bit worried the boss will put two and two together and know I must of told her my salary and somehow take it out on me. Directly or indirectly. Can my job legally do anything to penalize me for this?

In my contract I didn't read anything about not speaking about salary and the company has a chart with salary ranges based on position. I am still in that range but more in the middle range while everyone is on the minimum salary range for our position.

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