
Boomers are coming back and demanding jobs

According to the Bloomberg Article: After running through their retirement funds, they want to come back into the labor force and take away jobs from everyone else. Let’s not forget, they are now blaming the stock market and inflation for their lack of retirement funds even though the market has lost only 2 years of worth of gains which shouldn’t have emptied their wallets. On top of that the article outright says that boomers can do a better job than younger gen and need to get more high paid salaries. You can see how this article puts no blame on Boomers and says everything is the markets fault and that they deserve to be paid more. However, whenever these same news sources talk about Millennials or Gen Z, all of a sudden all of our problems are our fault. Edit: removed reckless from the first paragraph and wish I…

According to the Bloomberg Article:

After running through their retirement funds, they want to come back into the labor force and take away jobs from everyone else. Let’s not forget, they are now blaming the stock market and inflation for their lack of retirement funds even though the market has lost only 2 years of worth of gains which shouldn’t have emptied their wallets.

On top of that the article outright says that boomers can do a better job than younger gen and need to get more high paid salaries.

You can see how this article puts no blame on Boomers and says everything is the markets fault and that they deserve to be paid more. However, whenever these same news sources talk about Millennials or Gen Z, all of a sudden all of our problems are our fault.

Edit: removed reckless from the first paragraph and wish I could have changed the title to “Apparently Boomers can do a better job than the those currently in the workforce.

Edit 2: The point that I missed explicitly saying is: retires shouldn't have to be coming back to the workforce. They should be enjoying retirement. There should be social programs for them, at the same time there should be social programs for everyone else too. Nobody should be working and be stuggling to provide for themselves. The system is screwed and we should not be fighting over being able to earn a living. BUT as we don't have the social systems, that doesn't give them (the retirees) the right to come back into the labor force and demand high paying jobs and disparage the younger workers as is shown in the article. The younger generation is constantly blamed for all our current issues by the news and the older generation that we don't need this on top of that.

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