
I am so emotionally exhausted because of working in customer service.

I have been working in customer service for the past 8 years. My entire adulthood. I’m a very emotionally sensitive person. When I first I started mean customers used to make me cry. Over the years I learned how to deal with them and grew thick skin. A nasty AH customer was nothing for me to handle anymore. However, this is not the case anymore. For the past year or so dealing with people has gotten extremely hard for me. Even harder than it was when I first started. And it’s becoming more difficult everyday. My mental health is trash because of getting verbally abused every single day at work. People are so nasty and entitled and not being able to tell them off and stand up for myself is chipping away at my happiness and self confidence. Every single day is a struggle. A battle. It is so hard…

I have been working in customer service for the past 8 years. My entire adulthood.
I’m a very emotionally sensitive person. When I first I started mean customers used to make me cry. Over the years I learned how to deal with them and grew thick skin. A nasty AH customer was nothing for me to handle anymore.
However, this is not the case anymore.
For the past year or so dealing with people has gotten extremely hard for me. Even harder than it was when I first started. And it’s becoming more difficult everyday.

My mental health is trash because of getting verbally abused every single day at work.
People are so nasty and entitled and not being able to tell them off and stand up for myself is chipping away at my happiness and self confidence.
Every single day is a struggle. A battle. It is so hard for me to get up in the morning. I dread every single day that I have to go to work and put up with people treating me like trash because they are ENTITLED Azzholes

It is not a lack of skills that makes dealing with people hard but just the exhaustion and being completely burned out.

All I can think and feel is that I just can’t take it anymore. I wish I could just quit my job and end this misery but I live in the USA. you miss one pay check and your entire life is ruined.

Recently I started looking for remote jobs with very minimal contact with other people. I just wanted to vent and get this off my chest.

You are more than welcome to give some advice though.

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