
I actually have a boss that cares?

So today I got a call from my boss. She wanted to know if there was a mistake in the schedual as I was booked for a shift this Friday (I never work fridays). She assured me it might have been a scheduling mix up and if I wasn't up for working it, that they would fix it. I wouldn't have to come in. I thanked her, and reminded her I picked up this shift voulentarily 2 weeks ago. Hence why I was on the schedual. She apologized for bothering me and thanked me for taking the shift. In my 16 Years of being employed… I have never had a boss like this… I realize my expectations are low… but damn.

So today I got a call from my boss. She wanted to know if there was a mistake in the schedual as I was booked for a shift this Friday (I never work fridays). She assured me it might have been a scheduling mix up and if I wasn't up for working it, that they would fix it. I wouldn't have to come in.
I thanked her, and reminded her I picked up this shift voulentarily 2 weeks ago. Hence why I was on the schedual.
She apologized for bothering me and thanked me for taking the shift.
In my 16 Years of being employed… I have never had a boss like this… I realize my expectations are low… but damn.

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