
Coworkers and I are being punished for another coworker’s wrongdoing

My job has a pretty lenient policy about tech usage in the office. As long as you meet deadlines and do what is asked, use of phones, music players, etc is totally okay. My coworker, who is the head graphic designer, abuses this policy and is constantly on her phone. It’s to the point where she misses deadlines. She believes talking to her boyfriend is more important than a paying job. She doesn’t care about work. This morning, my bosses put their foot down and decided to instate a policy where, at the end of the day, all of us must give them a daily log of what we did and at what times. If we forget or it is inaccurate, we get a warning. Three warnings mean we are fired. I understand they need to know what we’ve accomplished but this seems like overkill. Maybe I’m overreacting but I…

My job has a pretty lenient policy about tech usage in the office. As long as you meet deadlines and do what is asked, use of phones, music players, etc is totally okay.

My coworker, who is the head graphic designer, abuses this policy and is constantly on her phone. It’s to the point where she misses deadlines. She believes talking to her boyfriend is more important than a paying job. She doesn’t care about work.

This morning, my bosses put their foot down and decided to instate a policy where, at the end of the day, all of us must give them a daily log of what we did and at what times. If we forget or it is inaccurate, we get a warning. Three warnings mean we are fired. I understand they need to know what we’ve accomplished but this seems like overkill. Maybe I’m overreacting but I dislike having my time tracked. Also, it’s not right for all of us to have to do this because of one person. I have a lot on my plate already and this just seems to be a lot of extra work 🙁

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