
I was working at a summer camp. I quit my job last Thursday bc after I clocked out and left. My manager called me full on screaming at the top of her lungs bc her daughter(8) who was in my classflushed objects down the toilet bc she was bored her mom(manager) got mad I made daughter clean it

I was working at this summer camp but I quit exactly a week ago bc it was a hostile environment. The manager would pull me aside and scream at me bc this one 8 year old would always run around and scream (she has ADHD) and would not listen to me no matter what. I ended up quitting last Thursday bc 15 minutes after my shift I went out to eat before going home and the manager called me FULL ON SCREAMING at the top of her lungs while I was in a resturant. And it was very embarrassing bc it was a small place and I know other customers could hear. She yelled at me bc her daughter (different than the other kid) that is also 8 kept putting stuff in the toilet which is in the classroom bathroom and clogging it (I'm talking about OBJECTS, not TP lol)…

I was working at this summer camp but I quit exactly a week ago bc it was a hostile environment. The manager would pull me aside and scream at me bc this one 8 year old would always run around and scream (she has ADHD) and would not listen to me no matter what. I ended up quitting last Thursday bc 15 minutes after my shift I went out to eat before going home and the manager called me FULL ON SCREAMING at the top of her lungs while I was in a resturant. And it was very embarrassing bc it was a small place and I know other customers could hear.

She yelled at me bc her daughter (different than the other kid) that is also 8 kept putting stuff in the toilet which is in the classroom bathroom and clogging it (I'm talking about OBJECTS, not TP lol) and the manager called me screaming saying she was gonna write me up bc her daughter stuck her hand in the toilet to get the color book pages and paper towels out she had stuck down there. I wasn't gonna do it. She's 8 and is not 3 so knows better not to put coloring book pages/ and paper towels down the toilet.

I quit on the phone bc when I was trying to explain to the manager what her daughter did all she was saying was “you're 18 my daughter is 8. You're an adult!!!” I'm not even joking when I tried to tell her “yes but she is 8 and suould know not to put random objects in the toilet bc she is bored” she would just scream over me saying “you're an adult my daughter is a child” WTF. I was teaching that kid a lesson and she was laughing/ smirking the whole time as she knew what she did was wrong.

MIND YOU SHE WAS FULL ON SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS TO ME ON THE PHONE. Not “normal” I'm mad so I'm gonna scream scream.

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