
Boss wants me to work more but told my mom instead of directly telling me.

Im under 17 btw. My boss (one of them, anyways) Is really not the best boss. I’ve known her for a year as i’ve been working at this arcade/mini golf with a restaurant and she’s made me cry countless times over mistakes that won’t affect anyone or anything and there’s more in the post in a minute. But anyways. And today I called her saying that I can’t work tomorrow, but I’ll be there Sunday + working a monday night (I’ve worked one for almost a year and the other night for like two months). I said I wasn’t going to work tomorrow because I’m getting a snake and I would like to spend the day setting the tank up and also I have school work to catch up on (for a GED). And then she called my MOM, instead of me and told my mom that she needs me…

Im under 17 btw.

My boss (one of them, anyways) Is really not the best boss. I’ve known her for a year as i’ve been working at this arcade/mini golf with a restaurant and she’s made me cry countless times over mistakes that won’t affect anyone or anything and there’s more in the post in a minute.

But anyways.

And today I called her saying that I can’t work tomorrow, but I’ll be there Sunday + working a monday night (I’ve worked one for almost a year and the other night for like two months). I said I wasn’t going to work tomorrow because I’m getting a snake and I would like to spend the day setting the tank up and also I have school work to catch up on (for a GED).

And then she called my MOM, instead of me and told my mom that she needs me on Fridays and Saturdays and Tuesday and Wednesdays and if i can’t work that then she doesn’t want me back, and that another coworker is working Monday and Sunday nights (annoyed that i’m getting taken off sundays).

And she literally didn’t even ask if I was available to work those days. There’s a reason I only want to two days and I literally thought it was fine?? She can be laid back

She’s honestly treated me, and most of her employees horrible (she’s said I suck at my job twice, and once said i hasn’t accomplished anything in the 7 months working there and was horrible at my job over me ALMOST wasting a SPOONFUL of syrup, she’s made me cry countless times, has talked shit about me to other employees, though she talks shit about all her employees, and she has even talked badly about me to frigging customers when im like ten feet away!!!). She also accused my boyfriend of being aggressive with me one night when we were waiting to be picked up (she told my mom this), when he wasn’t even being aggressive in the slightest.

Im going to call her later tonight but I really don’t know what to say. I think I might quit but I don’t know:(.

i thought it was going to be fine for me to work just two days. I’ve done so in the past and she hasn’t complained?? I worked three days in the past and she didn’t complain. I don’t want to work more because I want to hang out with friends, focus on my GED, volunteer at a no kill shelter and just live more before i move out of home and have to get a full time job to support myself. Haven’t told her that though because I know she’s just going to give me ‘It’s time to be an adult!’, thought I do plan to.

Also, my boyfriend and i do work together and we do work together on the nights i work. But i work nights because they’re an hour shorter than day shifts (day shifts are usually 7-8 hours, more depending if it’s busy, and day shifts just suck) and the tips are better.

Advice would be appreciated. I realized i might be childish and selfish n whatnot but im pretty tired of her and i realized in the year of working that while i DO want to work and make+save money, im just not ready to work more than two days, or maybe three right now.

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