
HR or Pointless?

I just left my last shift at a higher end retail location. When I first started there, everything was fine. I noticed that it could be a little bit cliquey but I am the type of person who goes in, does my job, leaves work at the door, and goes home. Over the course of my time working there I began to find it unenjoyable because of the cliques . This is the type of place where you work on commission and people who became very friendly with management very clearly had advantages. Because I am the type of person who leaves work at the door, I did not join any of the cliques. I was friendly but did not feel it necessary to become super best friends with my coworkers. Instead of relying on management for more sales and commission, I worked hard to meet my own goals. I…

I just left my last shift at a higher end retail location. When I first started there, everything was fine. I noticed that it could be a little bit cliquey but I am the type of person who goes in, does my job, leaves work at the door, and goes home. Over the course of my time working there I began to find it unenjoyable because of the cliques . This is the type of place where you work on commission and people who became very friendly with management very clearly had advantages. Because I am the type of person who leaves work at the door, I did not join any of the cliques. I was friendly but did not feel it necessary to become super best friends with my coworkers. Instead of relying on management for more sales and commission, I worked hard to meet my own goals. I have always helped other employees when they needed to replenish product from the back or put things away and I noticed that this was not reciprocated by the clique. Then, in the past couple days, I would walk into one of the rooms and the group would be whispering and it would very obviously stop when I came in earshot or when one of them noticed me. I am personally not offended by this treatment but I do find it entirely unprofessional and rude.

The question is, should I go to HR even though I have finished my time with the company, to have it documented, in the event this happens to anybody else? Or should I just forget it and leave it in the past because since management is involved, and our store being incredibly profitable because of the competition for commission, nothing will change? Part of me wants to send the email but the other part of me knows that, as I stated, nothing is going to change. This is also not a job that I would put on a résumé and I don’t really care about these people so that is not a factor in my decision.

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