
just a brief history. of how the system has me trapped.

Brief summary in coming: I'm a landscaper, degree in horticulture. Had a career in the golf industry. It crashed along with oil, rich people problems right? Moved to a different city where the off season is weeks rather than months. Work hard. Like damn hard. Been 5 years in the new city, started for a company last year. Was promoted to manager beginning of this year. Injure my back first week of June. Didn't think it was anything major. Try to stretch it out, take overdose levels of muscle relaxants for to get thru a week. End up in emergency with a possible slipped disc, have a pinched nerve. Six months-year recovery. Get 2 weeks off work by doctor. File a compensation claim because of lost time. Go back to work because couldn't get in to see doctor before two weeks off are up. First day back, employer becomes aggressive,…

Brief summary in coming:

I'm a landscaper, degree in horticulture. Had a career in the golf industry. It crashed along with oil, rich people problems right?

Moved to a different city where the off season is weeks rather than months.
Work hard. Like damn hard. Been 5 years in the new city, started for a company last year. Was promoted to manager beginning of this year.
Injure my back first week of June. Didn't think it was anything major. Try to stretch it out, take overdose levels of muscle relaxants for to get thru a week.

End up in emergency with a possible slipped disc, have a pinched nerve. Six months-year recovery. Get 2 weeks off work by doctor. File a compensation claim because of lost time. Go back to work because couldn't get in to see doctor before two weeks off are up.
First day back, employer becomes aggressive, borderline abusive over work done while off work.
We talk over the phone, fix problem. Send text message requesting not to be so aggressive/abusive regarding issue. The man loses his shit.
I give 2 weeks notice, then after even more insane texts I quit.

My compensation claim isn't going to be approved because of existing issues to my lower back. (Weird how 15 years of manual labour will do that) employer refuses to submit last paycheque or expenses owed.

I'm not able to work, and have nothing to fall back on because I “don't qualify”.


TLDR: injured on the job. Compensation refuses to accept claim due to pre existing conditions. employer bullied me after filing a claim about injury.
Left in the dust.

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