
Best career move. If you can… Take my advice.

Like so many people on this sub I am a 30 something who has been so horribly disenfranchised by the system that it lead me to a years long depression. I managed to graduate from university and landed no job for over a year. My new Bachelor's degree and 10+ years of industy experience got me nothing. To be clear… my entire life I have never interviewed for a job that I wasn't hired. I am charismatic and outgoing and have the numbers to back up my value to a company. But as soon as I tried to find a job that would make me feel fulfilled… an actual respectable career… nothing. I told myself I wouldn't take a job under $50k. Now… I have had THREE past employers who have literally stolen from me. One over $8k. I have had 3 other employers who openly took issue with the…

Like so many people on this sub I am a 30 something who has been so horribly disenfranchised by the system that it lead me to a years long depression. I managed to graduate from university and landed no job for over a year. My new Bachelor's degree and 10+ years of industy experience got me nothing. To be clear… my entire life I have never interviewed for a job that I wasn't hired. I am charismatic and outgoing and have the numbers to back up my value to a company. But as soon as I tried to find a job that would make me feel fulfilled… an actual respectable career… nothing. I told myself I wouldn't take a job under $50k.

Now… I have had THREE past employers who have literally stolen from me. One over $8k. I have had 3 other employers who openly took issue with the fact that I am gay and at least two of those that played a role in me leaving. So… to say I have trust issues with employers is an understatement.

So…. fast forward past schooling and a year of depression and soul-searching… and a friend told me to look into teaching. Now… I am sure there are plenty of teachers on here. But hear me out.

At my rock bottom… I just needed to DO something. I needed to occupy my time. I love kids and always felt Education was the one thing that can save our country. But little did I know… teachers make $60k a year. And I could test and be in a classroom in under a month.

It isn't easy work. But I don't need easy. Can't stand my boss but… I never see her. And she needs me way more than I need her. My kids are amazing and sure they can be evil. But… at the end of the day I support myself, my family, and I'm doing something I'm proud of.

I'm not going to be rich. But I don't care for this fucking system anymore. Everyday I get to spend time with this kids and watch them grow and know that I am part of their future. I would do this for free if I could.

And that's it. That's my advice. If you have a degree consider teaching. The education system is horrible, I know. It needs compassionate adults to help these kids. But at the end of the day I feel like I accomplished something. I make an okay living. And they couldn't afford to fire me even if they wanted to. I don't feel like my boss is even my boss. And guess what? Summers are paid vacation. And I'm looking to move to an even better school. Retirement will follow me. I can move to any city in my state that I want. Life is good. Be a teacher and stop working for companies!

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