
So basically I got fired for being autistic.

Long story short I (24M) accepted a job as a janitor and general help a month or two ago. I started work early in the morning, woke up at 6 am. And worked til the early afternoon. All was quite well really. I wasn't planning to do this forever sure but you gotta stay afloat so you do what you gotta do. I was content. Every day I came on time. I always did what I was asked to do. I never talked smack. I was as friendly as I could be. At times I even suggested sticking around a bit longer to help finish up things. If there was anything wrong I always communicated well. Never did I get a warning. And now? Just like that? Fired. What for?: Simply put it was ''Because I didn't give the impression that I had a good time.'' Here's why this pisses…

Long story short I (24M) accepted a job as a janitor and general help a month or two ago. I started work early in the morning, woke up at 6 am. And worked til the early afternoon.

All was quite well really. I wasn't planning to do this forever sure but you gotta stay afloat so you do what you gotta do. I was content.

Every day I came on time. I always did what I was asked to do. I never talked smack. I was as friendly as I could be. At times I even suggested sticking around a bit longer to help finish up things. If there was anything wrong I always communicated well. Never did I get a warning.

And now? Just like that? Fired. What for?: Simply put it was ''Because I didn't give the impression that I had a good time.''

Here's why this pisses me off. It's because I have heard this a million times already. It's like this capitalist corporate culture is designed to alienate me.

At school people already adviced me against childhood aspirations I had because of my autism. In college when I volunteered at festivals etc to make hours I was often put aside and spoken to because I ''looked'' unexcited.

And now in my adulthood I'm struggling to keep a job because of it. I'm on the spectrum, and the one thing I struggle with most is portraying my emotions and feelings accurately. What this means is that I could feel perfectly fine and motivated but my facial expression is stoic and intimidating. I just look unfriendly and I can't really help it. That's how my brain is wired. Even with some training and conscious effort it's eventually going to slip through.

I tried to explain it but not to save my hide. (At this point I was angry. Hiding it naturally. But angry enough that even if I was given a pass I'd quit myself for feeling unwelcome.) Just to help people understand. I don't think it got through.

I can't prove that it's 'cause of my autism. But I just know it's got something to do with it. On their end likely not by intention but since their reason is so deeply intertwined with my neurological disorder it's hard not to draw those lines. There was no other good reason to.

Honestly? I think the new boss had something to do with it. He was the whip cracking type and just hated my guts.I recently developed a minor injury in my leg from overtraining in the gym and MMA which I explained to my coworkers. (Who are great people, many of them immigrants and refugees from wartorn countries. They've been a hell lot nicer to me than anybody else. More understanding.) This meant that I just needed short breaks (Like a minute at best) during physical labour to make sure my leg is fine. During that time I'd typically check my phone quick for mails from the employment agency. Make sure I filled in my hours etc. Afterwards I'd be fine and we'd be done like 3 hours before opening time.

My boss wasn't having that. Never had shit before he arrived. Now suddenly like less than a week later I'm gone. No warning, no nothing except ''we don't feel like you want to be here'' which as I explained is an impossible battle to win because my brain's just wired to make me appear like I hate life.

I'm fucking tired man… What's the fucking point of a job if you're sent home for something like this? Do everything right until you do one thing wrong. And no warning.

Fuck this. I'm gonna see if I can work for myself independently. I'm keeping in touch with my ex-coworkers. I made friends there. But that workspace? The management? I ain't welcome and I know why.

Ironically this drives me even more to push for my aspirations to become a pro-wrestler. People warn me that it's risky to pursue a career in entertainment. But at this point it seems like I'd actually be able to keep if I actually get to be passionate about it. Unlike ordinary jobs that give me the boot for not being able to adapt perfectly to neurotypical expectations and norms.

It'd be illegal in my country (The Netherlands) to fire someone for being on the spectrum/displaying traits of autism provided that it doesn't interfere with work performance. But I can't prove it so I'm just leaving it behind me. I'm embarassed and ashamed of myself for getting the boot. It makes me feel like I'm not a functioning member of society. But I just can't fight it.

I'm moving on.

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