
Does anyone else always choose “prefer not to answer” on questions asking about race/gender/etc when filling out job applications?

I have been filling out job applications this morning, and all of them always ask questions about race, gender, disability, etc. and I always write “prefer not to answer” as my response because, quite frankly, it's none of their business. I guess to some degree I understand why they would ask these questions (with regards to affirmative action and whatnot), but my application should be chosen based on my qualifications, experience, and education, and not based in on my race or gender. This is not to say that affirmative action isn't a good thing, because I believe that it is, but I believe that should come during the interview process, and not based on my application. The inverse is also possible, wherein some bigoted asshole in HR might reject my application based on my race or gender (this may be illegal, but there is literally nothing stopping them from doing…

I have been filling out job applications this morning, and all of them always ask questions about race, gender, disability, etc. and I always write “prefer not to answer” as my response because, quite frankly, it's none of their business.

I guess to some degree I understand why they would ask these questions (with regards to affirmative action and whatnot), but my application should be chosen based on my qualifications, experience, and education, and not based in on my race or gender. This is not to say that affirmative action isn't a good thing, because I believe that it is, but I believe that should come during the interview process, and not based on my application.

The inverse is also possible, wherein some bigoted asshole in HR might reject my application based on my race or gender (this may be illegal, but there is literally nothing stopping them from doing so, especially if they can cite an alternative reason for what they are doing).

Now, I am a cis-het-white-dude, so I don't necessarily think my application would be rejected based on my demographic in most instances, but it's still none of their business, and if that weren't the case, then it would still be none of their business.

What do you folks think? Am I the only one who does this universally?

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