
I am just tired of everything costing so much *** **** money!

I feel helpless. I'm making $15 an hour managing an entire warehouse and all its inventory, and yeah, while just a few years before in this job I could cover the cost of all my bills, and have at least a little left over, now the cost of living has skyrocketed. Even with the disability I'm on, I can't break even anymore. I used to think a few years ago that everything was expensive, but this… this is nuts! My landlord has raised my rent twice now. My local grocery store is price gouging too (yes, actual price gouging, not just from groceries going up). We all know about gas prices, but even my utilities have gone up, and I'm barely at home using them. My insurance has gone up. My phone bill has gone up. I am so effing behind now. People tell me “oh just budget, and cut…

I feel helpless. I'm making $15 an hour managing an entire warehouse and all its inventory, and yeah, while just a few years before in this job I could cover the cost of all my bills, and have at least a little left over, now the cost of living has skyrocketed. Even with the disability I'm on, I can't break even anymore. I used to think a few years ago that everything was expensive, but this… this is nuts! My landlord has raised my rent twice now. My local grocery store is price gouging too (yes, actual price gouging, not just from groceries going up). We all know about gas prices, but even my utilities have gone up, and I'm barely at home using them. My insurance has gone up. My phone bill has gone up. I am so effing behind now. People tell me “oh just budget, and cut expenses”. Like, you think I haven't already been doing that? I have nothing extra for entertainment. I am paying for just the bare essentials to live, and still can't afford it. I treat myself only once a week to dining out, just to feel some stress relief.

I have asked my boss twice for a raise, and he said that all the company can give me was 3%. I have steadily been taking on extra work from other branches for over a year, yet no pay increase. Just a “we appreciate all the extra work you've been doing.” I'm always being asked to drive hours away to different locations, just to drop off and pick up inventory, while my regular duties get put on hold, which puts me behind. Yet I'm not allowed overtime. I am not even allowed to work more than 32 hours. Even if I could finally make a full 40 hours a week, it would at least help me out some financially, and I would have time to keep up on my work. I have been looking for other work, but because I live in rural area, there isn't much, and all of the jobs in the city are asking for far too much in the way of education and experience, and for so little pay.

My mental health has been suffering from all the pressure I feel like I'm under lately, but can't go see a psychiatrist, because that costs money too. Every damn thing costs so much money. Money, money, money. Everything is about money. I hate it! I understand nothing in life is free, but damn, at least make it affordable. So much effing greed!!!

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