
thinking of quitting my retail job on the spot

I've worked for this place for three years now. I won't lie, I enjoyed it when I first started, but it's starting to really wear me down mentally and physically. My direct department is understaffed, yet we are the busiest department in the store, as we're the only one who needs to control and maintain a counter for fresh seafood. We also have a freezer for our frozen goods. I am the last original member from my first crew, and I am now surrounded by those who are constantly griping over literally everything, and no one seems to want to put much effort in except for me. My coworkers don't want to pull the extra weight needed to get stuff done, rather they'd prefer sitting on the fresh counter, where there's plenty of downtime. I constantly have to stop what I am doing and answer dumb questions that my guys…

I've worked for this place for three years now. I won't lie, I enjoyed it when I first started, but it's starting to really wear me down mentally and physically. My direct department is understaffed, yet we are the busiest department in the store, as we're the only one who needs to control and maintain a counter for fresh seafood. We also have a freezer for our frozen goods. I am the last original member from my first crew, and I am now surrounded by those who are constantly griping over literally everything, and no one seems to want to put much effort in except for me. My coworkers don't want to pull the extra weight needed to get stuff done, rather they'd prefer sitting on the fresh counter, where there's plenty of downtime. I constantly have to stop what I am doing and answer dumb questions that my guys should now the answers to and how to get the answers if unsure. Not only that, but I am the only forklift driver, so I have to maintain our storage area as well and make sure frozen items are available to be packed out.

On top of this, management treats me as if I'm the department manager, even though I have declined several times. They claim another coworker is to be given the position, but they're running him in circles about it, claiming he and I are “co-managers” even though neither of us are being paid for it. Management sees no issues in me being everywhere all at once and I am actively rolling back my responsibilities and ignoring them. I now keep a resignation paper in my pocket at all times, just in case I finally snap. My mental health is so tattered at the moment that whenever I'm off work, I do nothing but lay in bed and look at my phone. I don't even bother with things i used to enjoy like video games and playing with my little sister, I don't feel like enjoying myself since I know the mess I have to return to in the morning. My sleep is also fucked up, where I can't fall asleep until late because my mind is racing about what I have to do when I get in at 5am

And I'm a college student too! Imagine trying to juggle academics with all this garbage. I'm just so done

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