
Happy birthday, here’s you check, we don’t need you any more…actually we changed our mind…and now we’re out of bussiness

I’ve alluded to this story for a while so here we go, how I was fired on my birthday and took an entire company down with me. My first real job was in 2001, I was a nieve 21 year old who tossed out different resume for different skill sets, one was artist, I suck as an artist so pretty sure it was ui design not character but they wanted a character. I obviously sucked but the boss “took pity on me” and “saw somthing of value” so I was hired…as their webmaster. From there I updated and maintained about 5 websites of all kinds from flash to html. And was paid roughly 12$ a hour, worked 8 hours, some overtime. But 2 hour commute. From my station though I could listen to the receptionist and office manager. Half the time they were in tear in the phone with the…

I’ve alluded to this story for a while so here we go, how I was fired on my birthday and took an entire company down with me.

My first real job was in 2001, I was a nieve 21 year old who tossed out different resume for different skill sets, one was artist, I suck as an artist so pretty sure it was ui design not character but they wanted a character. I obviously sucked but the boss “took pity on me” and “saw somthing of value” so I was hired…as their webmaster. From there I updated and maintained about 5 websites of all kinds from flash to html. And was paid roughly 12$ a hour, worked 8 hours, some overtime. But 2 hour commute. From my station though I could listen to the receptionist and office manager. Half the time they were in tear in the phone with the company president. When the receptionist kept being fired and then rehired in tears and thankful for the second or third or 5th chance in a month I should have seen the red flags

When they started to remind me I was being pittied and this was a blessing paired with gifts of new clothes while they would put down the clothes I was wearing, even after I switched to the Clothes they gave me exclusively should have red flag

When my stacking overtime prompted them to convince me a flat sallery was better and then that just mean more overtime now unpaid

When they asked me to move heavy equipment alone cause I was the only man on staff then fine me for scuffs and damages, despite being the it guy not handyman red flag

But I was a nieve 21 year old so I kept going

I’ll finish the story later but my current job calls, see ya in the edits…

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