
Hour long meetings for what could have been a brief email

Every Friday afternoon before we go home there’s a wrap up meeting at our office. We basically recap what we did for the week and plan for next week. Most of the time it’s my manager going over a piece of paper that we can just READ. The thing is, I seem to be the only one that wants to get to the point and get the fuck out (I want to to start my WEEKEND) I often feel like maybe it’s a me problem, as no one else seems to have a problem staying an extra hour at the office. It literally turns into a social hour as I grind my teeth in the chair looking at this sheet of info that i’ve already read, but having to wait until my boss gets through it himself. My coworkers joyfully joking around and going off on tangents painfully prolongs this.…

Every Friday afternoon before we go home there’s a wrap up meeting at our office. We basically recap what we did for the week and plan for next week. Most of the time it’s my manager going over a piece of paper that we can just READ. The thing is, I seem to be the only one that wants to get to the point and get the fuck out (I want to to start my WEEKEND) I often feel like maybe it’s a me problem, as no one else seems to have a problem staying an extra hour at the office. It literally turns into a social hour as I grind my teeth in the chair looking at this sheet of info that i’ve already read, but having to wait until my boss gets through it himself. My coworkers joyfully joking around and going off on tangents painfully prolongs this. I’m talking 5 minutes of info turning into an hour. I’ve felt like i’m being too pessimistic and negative. Everyone is joking and has no problem being there and im itching to leave. But honestly fuck that man it’s Friday and I want to enjoy the 48 fucking hours of the week that I have. Just one example of the many colossal wastes of time that occur in office spaces. Worst part is I don’t know if i’m more annoyed with my boss or my coworkers that seemingly don’t want to leave + prolong these meetings. Like you don’t want to go home? You don’t have a fucking life outside of this job? Feels like I work with robots smiling ear to ear and im just a pessimistic dick. Idk. lmk if I should lighten up.

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