
What prevents a mass of workers purposely applying and working short-term jobs in order to unionize those jobs?

So, obviously the first few things I think of is job security, obviously we all have bills to pay. And of course, those places that would be targeted would likely close those stores out of good faith. However, what if we targeted every single location in even a single major city, at once? There's certainly preventative measures that would be put in place, like blocking hiring, but are there not ways to create some hope in our neighbors? Ways to show that we can come together, other than protesting, to make a real difference with our actions, rather than standing around with a sign that people in charge don't read?

So, obviously the first few things I think of is job security, obviously we all have bills to pay. And of course, those places that would be targeted would likely close those stores out of good faith. However, what if we targeted every single location in even a single major city, at once?

There's certainly preventative measures that would be put in place, like blocking hiring, but are there not ways to create some hope in our neighbors? Ways to show that we can come together, other than protesting, to make a real difference with our actions, rather than standing around with a sign that people in charge don't read?

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