
I’m tired of being exploited at shitty wage while doing the job of three people

I work as a salesperson at a furniture store. I've been working here for 4 months. When I was hired, I was told I would just be picking up the clients that the other two salespeople couldn't get to because the store was getting very busy. Since I have a university degree in graphic design and experience in website work and advertising, I suggested to this kind of work as well, but this would be done ONLY from home. Boss agreed wholeheartedly to this. I should've seen the red flags considering the job listng online had “no-drama” listed as one of the desired qualities… I received the most half-assed training ever and have had to teach my coworkers some things about the invoicing program we use… Fast forward a few months and surprise surprise, this job sucks. – I am not to work from home, instead he says to take…

I work as a salesperson at a furniture store. I've been working here for 4 months.

When I was hired, I was told I would just be picking up the clients that the other two salespeople couldn't get to because the store was getting very busy. Since I have a university degree in graphic design and experience in website work and advertising, I suggested to this kind of work as well, but this would be done ONLY from home. Boss agreed wholeheartedly to this.

I should've seen the red flags considering the job listng online had “no-drama” listed as one of the desired qualities…

I received the most half-assed training ever and have had to teach my coworkers some things about the invoicing program we use…

Fast forward a few months and surprise surprise, this job sucks.

– I am not to work from home, instead he says to take 30 minutes to work on the website at work and no more.

– He gave me a hyper unrealistic sales goal of 18 sales a month, while no one has made more than 8 sales a month in the all years this place has been open.

– He makes NO advertising effort on any social media and when I bring up possible advertising campaigns to attract more clients he scoffs in my face. Like he's literally offended that I said we don't have very many walk-ins. Which we don't, most days the shop is silent

– He now wants me to teach my completely technology-illiterate coworkers to update and change the website. Which I will refuse to do obciously.

– There is such a toxic clique mentality between the salespeople that I try my darndest to avoid, but even my boss partakes in it: he talks behind my back (in another language he thinks I don't understand, but I do) about how I'm not doing what he asks, that I'm not working on the website, that I'm using sales tactics that are not protocol (despite everything I do having years of precendent and being part of my training).

– He plays favourites and as soon as I do something his favourite doesn't like, she'll whisper something in his ear and suddenly I'm incompetent…

– He wants to put in securtiy cameras for the purpose of “checking that the employees are working and seeing their screens”

The boss previously had only his 16 year old son working on the website. I have completely overhauled the website which was,,,,,,embarassingly bad and honestly made the place look like a scam. New layout, new copy, updated product pics… A lot of work.

This man is SO exploitive and SO lucky that I really can't leave this job. He gets a salesperson, website and graphic designer all for CAD $17 an hour. He doesn't want to pay me for requiring that I come in 15 mins before my shift and then complains about how he has to get work done on his Jaguar… asf. On top of that, my paycheck has not ONCE been correct, the accountant is a family friend. And before I complained about not getting national holiday pay, he used to tell employees that “oh our company just doesn't do holiday pay”.

I seriously can't wait to get out of here. And when I do I'm gonna deep fry the website and blame it on a 'bug'. /s

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