
Thinking of Quitting – Teen Summer Job

I got hired at a decently large grocery chain and I already hate it. I get paid $10 an hour, which I don’t dislike but other competitors around the area pay $13-15, so it is somewhat discerning. My main issue is how they schedule and treat me: they hired me and made me work three days, and I liked it; I got to know the people I work with and understand the basic aspects of the job. Then they proceeded to not schedule me for a week straight. I found that a little weird and I didn’t think much of it. I got scheduled again for about 2 days and then it happened again. I worked 3 days after that and it HAPPENED again! I took a road trip with my parents and I come back home today and I have a shift at 4. I’m unsure if I want…

I got hired at a decently large grocery chain and I already hate it.

I get paid $10 an hour, which I don’t dislike but other competitors around the area pay $13-15, so it is somewhat discerning.

My main issue is how they schedule and treat me: they hired me and made me work three days, and I liked it; I got to know the people I work with and understand the basic aspects of the job.

Then they proceeded to not schedule me for a week straight. I found that a little weird and I didn’t think much of it. I got scheduled again for about 2 days and then it happened again.

I worked 3 days after that and it HAPPENED again! I took a road trip with my parents and I come back home today and I have a shift at 4. I’m unsure if I want to go in at all and show up or just not go and find another job.

I have a paycheck pending so I’m unsure if they can not give me that If I’ve quit or not.

I enjoy working as it helps support my family, but I wish they’d schedule me more! Also, they never go beyond 30 hours, I get there’s laws and stuff but I want to work man, what the fuck.

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