
Gm “I pay people over min wage to ensure they’ll want to work” then people have to quit and be rehired to get a pay raise

I'm a high schooler and have been working at this fast food place for a year now, where I was offered 10/hr, which is better than Texas's minimum wage and works for my needs right now, but a lot of my coworkers are full grown adults with families. We're always so desperate for people that I end up working a lot of days (despite supposedly being part time) and get called in frequently. We have quarterly checks where you talk to the gm about your progress and supposedly you can get a raise from it, but everyone I talked to said they never had. One lady has been working for 4+ years and is awesome at her job yet gets paid less than me. Another one of my coworkers has only ever gotten a pay raise because they quit and we're begged to come back. Then one of our new…

I'm a high schooler and have been working at this fast food place for a year now, where I was offered 10/hr, which is better than Texas's minimum wage and works for my needs right now, but a lot of my coworkers are full grown adults with families. We're always so desperate for people that I end up working a lot of days (despite supposedly being part time) and get called in frequently.

We have quarterly checks where you talk to the gm about your progress and supposedly you can get a raise from it, but everyone I talked to said they never had. One lady has been working for 4+ years and is awesome at her job yet gets paid less than me. Another one of my coworkers has only ever gotten a pay raise because they quit and we're begged to come back. Then one of our new workers who doesn't do much gets paid 13/hr for the same thing I was hired to do.

What I want to know is what in their eyes constitutes a good worker who they want to keep. Is the only way to get a raise living and breathing this job? Opening and closing every day and breaking yourself apart to please corporate? So often during my shifts I have to remind myself that I should match my effort to my pay because there's no way in hell any going above and beyond is going to change anything.

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