
It’s been a week since i received any word from my employer. Is it safe to assume I no longer have a job? What do I do?

The situation is a little strange, i will admit. I (21 nb) started my job at a privately owned chain gas station in Florida. I was “trained” (i say “trained” bc it wasn't really training, i learned 6 basic tasks to keep the store running and that was it) on third shift for 3 days, then worked 2nd shift for about a week, then was placed full time on third shift and worked two weeks. About a week ago, Bossman asked if I could meet with him to discuss my schedule, and he set a day and time. Well, i show up, he's not there, and so I ask him what's up: “there was an emergency at another store, come back tomorrow 3pm” alright, so i go back tomorrow 3pm. he essentially pulls me into his office and asks, “what exactly is it that you do at night?” Me: “i…

The situation is a little strange, i will admit.

I (21 nb) started my job at a privately owned chain gas station in Florida. I was “trained” (i say “trained” bc it wasn't really training, i learned 6 basic tasks to keep the store running and that was it) on third shift for 3 days, then worked 2nd shift for about a week, then was placed full time on third shift and worked two weeks.

About a week ago, Bossman asked if I could meet with him to discuss my schedule, and he set a day and time. Well, i show up, he's not there, and so I ask him what's up: “there was an emergency at another store, come back tomorrow 3pm”

alright, so i go back tomorrow 3pm.

he essentially pulls me into his office and asks, “what exactly is it that you do at night?”

Me: “i complete my tasks in the order that I was taught by [two employees that “trained me”]”
Bossman: “but you're not doing everything and now someone has to take care of it.”

m: “what am i missing?”

b: “you haven't touched cooler at all.”

m: “i was told not to worry about it. i wasn't taught, and when i asked how, i was told i wouldn't have to do it. i can certainly do it now that i know, but i'd like to receive the proper training to do so.”

b: “i mean okay, but yknow i expected you'd be able to take care of it. and now it's sitting there not getting done, someone has to do it.”

m: “okay! once i have my schedule i'll take care of it.”

Bossman went quiet and just stared at me, and said okay. He assured me he would get ahold of the other manager so i can retrain on overnights, and that he would let me know in a few days.

Well, after 3 days i reached out via phone number and asked him, “hey bossman, any word on when i'll start my overnight training?”

and that was five days ago. Is it safe to assume i'm no longer employed? Do i say anything to him? i've already started looking for work elsewhere.

I, unfortunately, live in Florida which is an at-will state, which means an employer may fire, demote, hire, promote and discipline employees for pretty much any reason, or no reason at all. i don't think i can do anything legally. i got paid at least.

TL;DR — Do i still have a job? Haven't heard anything from my employer in a week. What do i do now?

Edit: Fixed some typos and formatting, I'm on mobile

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