
I handed in my 30 days notice and I am having second thoughts already

TLDR; I am a resident in a 3rd world country working in a local hospital as a trainee doctor. Been working here for the past 6 months and everyday has been a struggle. Long working hours (16-19 hours) per day with poor compensation has really taken a huge toll on my mental and physical health. On top that having to deal with a very toxic work-culture and a lot of bullying from my superiors have not been helpful. For example, a daily routine of a resident here is that I am expected to come as early as 5.00 am in the morning and pre-rounds first before my superiors come. After the morning rounds, I am expected to carry out all these active plans and try to get them done throughout the day while handling new admissions. I am not expected to have any meals or breaks as currently there is…

TLDR; I am a resident in a 3rd world country working in a local hospital as a trainee doctor. Been working here for the past 6 months and everyday has been a struggle. Long working hours (16-19 hours) per day with poor compensation has really taken a huge toll on my mental and physical health. On top that having to deal with a very toxic work-culture and a lot of bullying from my superiors have not been helpful.

For example, a daily routine of a resident here is that I am expected to come as early as 5.00 am in the morning and pre-rounds first before my superiors come. After the morning rounds, I am expected to carry out all these active plans and try to get them done throughout the day while handling new admissions.

I am not expected to have any meals or breaks as currently there is a huge shortage in new residents and usually I am the only one there (seeing up-to 35-40 patients in the wards). It is a broken system and many efforts have been done to fix this multiple medical fraternities and organisations but because of the poor bureaucratic system in my country here, nothing ever gets fixed/done.

If I do decide to quit, I will never be able to practice as a doctor in my country (due to not completing the residency period of 2 years and acquiring my license). Other pathways do exist, and I can still opt for residency in other countries, provided I pass the required entry exams. But multiple people have said that, including other doctors here in my country is just to “get through” these tough 2 years and get it done with. I understand that pursuing a career as a healthcare worker is difficult everywhere else in the world, and with the pandemic making it even more taxing for the mind and body. I was not expecting for it to be this bad (till having strong bouts of depression everyday before going to work)

On the other hand, I have been actively applying for other jobs out there and have gotten a few offers so far (tho earning almost 40% less), I can have more work-life balance, work in a more healthier, less-toxic environment.

Do I grab the offer to work a more relaxed, 9-5 job or do I continue working as a trainee doctor?

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