
my co worker is rude and the demeaning, I lost my noodles today

I'm a trained chef working in a grocery store deli. I'm overqualified and it's extremely understaffed but I it's a pretty fun gig for except coworker Tory. I'm in my early thirties and Tory is in her mid fifties, she has been working there for 6 years and I started in March of this year. Tory had been a cashier for her entire working life prior to this job, I have been working in kitchens off and on since I was 16. Working with Tory was fine at first but slowly has gotten unbearable. She come up to the flat top while I'm cooking and turns the temp up while berating me. She makes weird comments about how her fool looks better than mine or about how little work my job is compared to hers. She calls my ideas stupid and complaints about the way I do anything and everything,…

I'm a trained chef working in a grocery store deli. I'm overqualified and it's extremely understaffed but I it's a pretty fun gig for except coworker Tory.

I'm in my early thirties and Tory is in her mid fifties, she has been working there for 6 years and I started in March of this year. Tory had been a cashier for her entire working life prior to this job, I have been working in kitchens off and on since I was 16.

Working with Tory was fine at first but slowly has gotten unbearable. She come up to the flat top while I'm cooking and turns the temp up while berating me. She makes weird comments about how her fool looks better than mine or about how little work my job is compared to hers. She calls my ideas stupid and complaints about the way I do anything and everything, and in the last 2 weeks she has been telling me how “other people” are telling her “things.”

Well today was my breaking point, I was trying to get lunch started I finished breakfast about 15 min early so I could do some hot grab and go items, she immediately tells me I can't do them.

WTF she's NOT my boss. Like not at all. I have already cleared my menu items with actual bosses. This is like the 5th time she has tried to pull some power trip over lunch items. She actually told me I was undermining her… I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS… but I'm fed up and just not having any of it. So I tried to explain why the grab and go was helping me do my job better and she just doesn't want to comprehend it. She started going off about lettuce backups and how I could be doing other things and I'm wasting my time… We literally didn't have any lettuce to back up… Like none in the store.

I'm frustrated and getting angry so I walk to the walk-in trying cool off (see what I did there?) And this woman fallows me. She effing fallows me berating me and it's everything I can do to not just say fu and walk. But I don't I go to management and take a break. When I get back I try to calmly explain one more time basic logic of how a kitchen functions and why I need to do grab and go items to free up time to do other stuff (since she doesn't like filling orders and constantly complains about that too). Then she literally tells me I'm not good at my job. I'm not trying to brag at all but lots of people from work have told me at work and outside of work how good I am at my job. Customers brag about me to the owner. I'm really friendly and go out of my way to be helpful and am fast and efficient in the kitchen. I'm good at my job and I'm proud of it. This lady crossed the wrong line… It wasn't even noon yet. After that I just lost all motivation I sat in the back applying for jobs on the other side of the country. She tried to say something to me about what I could be doing and I just told her ” I'm not good at that' and refused to do anything except fold aprons and towels.

I make $15 an hour in the worst run kitchen I've ever seen. I bust my ass because it brings me joy, costumers LOVE me, I am proud of my food I go out of my way to not tell Tory that I have a decade more experience than her or how customers and co workers literally dread dealing with her. Yet this woman has the audacity to tell me I'm not good at my job. I just can't even with this ridiculousness.

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