
What could be the hold up

I asked for a raise 3 weeks ago and was told by the owner he’s working on it. Today I check my pay stub for the past 2 weeks and zero change. I have moved up in the company faster than anyone before me on production. I am building the companys most complicated parts and building the most expensive thing we produce as a company. Each unit I build is 30,000$ out the door, I average 2 off them a week sometimes three. I’m really getting upset I’m doing the hardest work in the factory and getting paid the same as people how don’t do a 1/5 the work I finish everyday. I feel like I’m being punished. Thoughts? I don’t want to start slowing down and being a dick but I’m about at that point. I don’t think 24.00hr from the 20 I’m at now is unreasonable when I…

I asked for a raise 3 weeks ago and was told by the owner he’s working on it.
Today I check my pay stub for the past 2 weeks and zero change.
I have moved up in the company faster than anyone before me on production.
I am building the companys most complicated parts and building the most expensive thing we produce as a company.
Each unit I build is 30,000$ out the door, I average 2 off them a week sometimes three.
I’m really getting upset I’m doing the hardest work in the factory and getting paid the same as people how don’t do a 1/5 the work I finish everyday.
I feel like I’m being punished.
I don’t want to start slowing down and being a dick but I’m about at that point.
I don’t think 24.00hr from the 20 I’m at now is unreasonable when I make the company 50-80k a week every week.

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