
My First Job Is Driving Me Crazy & My Parents Have Me Feeling Trapped

A Little Background: I got my first job at a store 2 minutes up the road purely for the fact it was a brand new building and 2 minutes up the road. After only 2 months of working my manager offered to promote me to keyholder! I took the position purely for the experience simply because I want to own my own store one day and this would look awesome on a resume and would be useful knowledge. Turns out it was not worth it and I'll explain why, but I also got a raise from a total of 9$ an hour to….. 10$ and hour… My boss is very laid back (which I like) but she's a little to laid back. She seems to think if I see her do something one time no matter what it is I become a master at it. In her defense I have…

A Little Background:

I got my first job at a store 2 minutes up the road purely for the fact it was a brand new building and 2 minutes up the road. After only 2 months of working my manager offered to promote me to keyholder! I took the position purely for the experience simply because I want to own my own store one day and this would look awesome on a resume and would be useful knowledge.

Turns out it was not worth it and I'll explain why, but I also got a raise from a total of 9$ an hour to….. 10$ and hour…

My boss is very laid back (which I like) but she's a little to laid back. She seems to think if I see her do something one time no matter what it is I become a master at it. In her defense I have been able to fix mistakes I've made after 1 notice, but not full procedures like where certain things go, or what I should do in certain situations.

Why I'm Mad: (TL;DR: Complaining… A LOT of complaining.)

I was already mad because they took away the days I had off with absolutely no notice as usual but when my dad dropped me off at 7:45 this morning it was just me. Turns out I was opening the store ALONE for the very first time without any warning.

I unlocked the doors and went over to the alarm but it went off. The way the alarm works is that it doesn't immediately contact the police but informs HQ and they will tune into the cameras to make sure everything is ok. I however did not know this and was panicking. But I also used common sense and typed in the code for when we leave (Same code I've been using for 2 months) and the alarm DID stop.

I turned around to start the registers and the alarm starts blaring again, I type in the code again and it DOSEN'T WORK. So now I'm like “Fuck it, ill explain later.” So I just started the opening process with the alarm beeping in the background.

2 minutes later the alarm just shuts off by itself and I assumed everything was ok, but then I got a call from my boss. Turns out HQ saw me on the cameras being a dumbass and turned the alarm off for me before calling my boss who then called me to make sure everything was ok. (They also woke her up.)

So then she starts texting me what to do even though I do know how to open the registers and asks if I counted the change fund yet. I said no because the alarm was going off and I didn't get to open the safe and she said: “You should've done it earlier.”

So now I'm even more internally angry and finish all the stuff, but also had to restart a register because it was frozen from the night before and apparently no one said anything? I then saw my daily tasks were to stock 5 STOCKING CARTS WORTH OF STUFF. 1 of those fully loaded can weigh 200+ pounds.

I was then left alone for 3 HOURS without any help until a new worker who I'll call Todd arrives. Todd and I have only worked together a few times and he's much older than me, but we get along like bros. He basically made me realize how sucky my job really is.

He mentioned he doesn't get payed enough at $9.40 an hour (He's only a cashier/stocker) and then I realized something… For not even 1$ an hour more I have to do quite literally 2x maybe even 3x as much work as he has to do.

So now I'm MAD at the fact and we agree that we both don't get payed enough… But here's the thing: My position is great experience for owning a business and I don't want to step down because I would be missing that experience. Todd has also had his day's off ripped out from under him without notice and we both think our hours should be switched considering I don't even have a car and he has a full life yet I get way more hours.

2 1/2 hour before the end of the day I get a text from my coworker asking me to count my register and get hers ready for when she comes in. So I go and do that, but find out she's not coming in for another 2 HOURS! To quote her text directly: “Please have ###### stock the cigarettes, there are cartoons (lol) in the bottom and top of the case that can be put out. Please count your drawer for me and put it in Register 2. Thank you so much”


Anyways so I had to figure out a different method on how to use the register with her drawer and I ended up just not using a number and adding the total to my total at the end of the day. Overall it was just a tedious annoying day made worse by the lack of info.

My Parents:

So before anyone asks, no I'm not abused and no I'm not just saying that because I'm used to it. My parent's don't charge me rent, don't insult me, don't hit me, or anything of the sorts. I have good parents who raised me right and have even said I can live with them until I'm 30 if I wanted. (As long as I'm not a freeloader duh.)

But when I got home and explained what I wanted to do and how I felt they were very negative about it. I basically wanted to pick an end date for my job, and with the time off finish my driving permit over a few months, and also focus on losing weight which I've been working on. Then once I get my license I can find jobs that are not 1.5 miles away and that I actually want to do.

However they said something I was NEVER EXPECTING. “In this house you either work or you go to school.” WTAF? That was completely out of left field and uncharacteristic for them. Now to be fair, I agree I am going to go to community college once we move in a few years because we are working on a dream home.

However all of my money goes straight to my savings and the most I've spent is 60$ on some DLC for games and some snacks. I don't want to be the freeloader Redditor who lives in his parent's basement.

My mom said I should give her my schedule and on the days off we go driving. BUT I HAVE!? I would say a week in advance “lets go on so and so day” then when that day comes my mom doesn't feel like it… because (insert reason here) To be fair there are legit reasons like working in heat redoing the backyard or pouring rain.

Also unfortunately the way my schedule works is that it updates as short as 1 day before my work days so if it does update I can't just miss a day to drive. Now I know what you're thinking: “Just drive your parent's car to work.”

I agree that works, but it only works if I'm NOT WORKING AT MY CURRENT JOB WHICH IS 2 MINS AWAY! Because it would take 2 WEEKS to get an hour of driving in and I need 58 1/2 more hours to finish my permit.

My parent's won't let me quit, I don't trust their promises since they shot down my idea, and the jobs in my area are all food related, to qualified, or to far away

I feel like I'm trapped because I don't want to work at that job and I know how I can not be a freeloader about it, but simultaneously my parents don't agree, and we have this weird limbo where we are moving in a few years anyways.

WTF do I do and am I just being an asshole and not realizing it??

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