
My ADA Accomodations were finally accepted.

And they were supposed to take effect today. Guess what? Nothing. Couldn't get in contact with HR. My supervisor is on vacation as per usual. I had to ask another supervisor to talk to our scheduling team. Still nothing. It's been 4 hours. How are people with disorders supposed to work? I've been waiting months to get these Accomodations and have been almost let go because of absences. These accomodations should really really help me out. But nah, they don't care. This is why I shit on company time.

And they were supposed to take effect today. Guess what? Nothing. Couldn't get in contact with HR. My supervisor is on vacation as per usual. I had to ask another supervisor to talk to our scheduling team. Still nothing. It's been 4 hours.

How are people with disorders supposed to work? I've been waiting months to get these Accomodations and have been almost let go because of absences. These accomodations should really really help me out. But nah, they don't care.

This is why I shit on company time.

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