
Asked For Raise Got Told I Had To Prove Myself. I Used My Trap Card.

Back in 98 I started working for a company. I worked my ass off. We had to take exams to qualify for moving up. Within 6 months I had passed the exams and was working as the assistant manager from the entry level delivery driver position. Along comes new boss and we get along alright. Until I wanted a raise of more than 15 cents an hour. I would have to prove myself first. 2 months of him telling me not right now or I need to get better before I can get anything even the 15 cents he said he would get me. Little did he know that I had met with a VP of the company a couple months before because I had the best metrics in his area. He gave me his card and personal cell number. I called up my new friend explained what I was…

Back in 98 I started working for a company. I worked my ass off. We had to take exams to qualify for moving up. Within 6 months I had passed the exams and was working as the assistant manager from the entry level delivery driver position.

Along comes new boss and we get along alright. Until I wanted a raise of more than 15 cents an hour. I would have to prove myself first. 2 months of him telling me not right now or I need to get better before I can get anything even the 15 cents he said he would get me.

Little did he know that I had met with a VP of the company a couple months before because I had the best metrics in his area. He gave me his card and personal cell number. I called up my new friend explained what I was asking for and why I should get it. VP says “When did you ask for a raise?” I explained on Jan 2nd because we were expecting our first child. He congratulated me and told me he would fix things.

At this time it was 3 of us running the store. I was doing deliveries, account management and assistant manager because I was the only one capable of lifting anything over 30 pounds. Deb had a bunch of health problems and the manager Craig had total hip and knee replacement as well as herniated discs in his back. I was also working 60 hours a week 6 days a week. Sometimes we would be open on Sunday and I would have to work then also.

I come in to work start my day go on deliveries and by noon I come back to reload the truck and get asked into the office. Craig is purple with rage that I called a VP and if I ever go over his head he will fire me. I said sounds like I should call VP Kevin again. He slams his hand on the desk and says I get my fucking raise and then some. Kevin also said it would be back paid to when I first asked.

I sit back and still smile about that to this day.

There are some good corporate managers if they are few and far between.

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