
People Quit Jobs, They Quit Managers

*wow I messed up the title – People Don't Quit Jobs, They Quit Managers I work in a call center as a trainer. Today myself and 3 colleagues are planning to hand in our notice based of disgusting behaviour from members of our upper management team. None of us are well paid, we work hard and enjoyed our jobs but the final straw was yesterday. My 2 colleagues went to a leaving do around the corner of our office. 2 members of upper management were there a platform manager and a business operations manager. One of my colleagues was talking about their dating experience with someone they found out was racist a few months into their relationship, she is mixed race. The platform manager was not a part of the conversation but interrupted her to scoff at her “pulling the race card” (he is also mixed race). She was shocked…

*wow I messed up the title – People Don't Quit Jobs, They Quit Managers

I work in a call center as a trainer.

Today myself and 3 colleagues are planning to hand in our notice based of disgusting behaviour from members of our upper management team.

None of us are well paid, we work hard and enjoyed our jobs but the final straw was yesterday.

My 2 colleagues went to a leaving do around the corner of our office. 2 members of upper management were there a platform manager and a business operations manager.

One of my colleagues was talking about their dating experience with someone they found out was racist a few months into their relationship, she is mixed race.

The platform manager was not a part of the conversation but interrupted her to scoff at her “pulling the race card” (he is also mixed race). She was shocked and asked him what he meant and he went on this tirade of how if things don't go their way, black people use the black card and call racist.

She was like wtf and pointed out that when she met the guys family after a few months they openly used the n word with a hard r and said some pretty vile things – so that's pretty blatant racism.

The platform manager then went on a rant that the n word is not racist and it's just a word and we should all stop being so offended. He then encouraged others to start repeating it including the business operations manager.

She called them both out on their behaviour and the business operations manager said “well I'm french so we hear it in music and TV, but you know we don't really understand it and it doesn't have the same meaning” (such a shitty excuse from someone working in an international environment…) And the platform manager just told her to fuck off.

This morning I had my colleagues in my office relaying all this to me so I went to HR as this is ridiculous and because of shitty racist upper management behaviour I'm going to lose to great colleagues – I also wanted it on record and for HR to have a meeting with the 2 so they could state what happened.

HRs response was only “it's complicated because it happened outside of work”.

To me this is just ridiculous, especially as there could be retaliation from either manager on my colleagues if they stay.

So I'm hanging in my notice too – fuck this, a job is not worth this toxic environment.

I'm in France fyi…

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