
Was I in the wrong for leaving for my own mentality? How can someone be rude, aggressive but i was the least professional that day adn in the linked meeting. Shame on these 2. Wait till you hear the part about “i am the more professional” , “yeah, you are” sounded like some letbo stuff!

I am really at a loss. HR has not been involved or even tried to help. This is a bigger company with west regional teams that spread across Cali, Nevada, and Arizona. The previous Friday I was the persons in charge. We are renovating a building and had to clear the room. This was handed down as things are often when nobody plans anything at my site. While having a worker up on a table with wheels waiting for me to hand them bottles of liquor to store, another coworker comes to ask me where her staff is as usual. She just met with this kid a half hour prior, and i have video of this but she denied. I told her i a normal voice i don't know. Proceeded to do our stuff. There is now only 1 box of liquour and we are done. The worker does not…

I am really at a loss. HR has not been involved or even tried to help. This is a bigger company with west regional teams that spread across Cali, Nevada, and Arizona. The previous Friday I was the persons in charge. We are renovating a building and had to clear the room. This was handed down as things are often when nobody plans anything at my site. While having a worker up on a table with wheels waiting for me to hand them bottles of liquor to store, another coworker comes to ask me where her staff is as usual. She just met with this kid a half hour prior, and i have video of this but she denied. I told her i a normal voice i don't know. Proceeded to do our stuff. There is now only 1 box of liquour and we are done. The worker does not want to climb down and agreed to wait until i found a tote and the last of the bottles. Going into the room we needed to clear, here come coworker B#$ again. She proceeds to ask the same questions about her staff. I tell her again i don't have time for this. coworker b3E$ starts losing it saying are you in a bad mood? I just have a simple question… you always do this. She leaves the room saying “fuck off punk/pussy ass bitch” and walks down the hall. Me during the later half do as i was told to do. Ask her to stop. I said it several times and was disrespectfully talked to as being the person in charge. I got to the hallway as she flipped me off with both hands, and i got video of this although light blocks it at the end, nobody puts up their hands in other fashions other tahn to flip a bird. Anyway, back to in the hallway where as the true professional i asked her to stop as something was wrong with her and maybe needed to talk. Getting flipped off though was a sign this was just more Friday sabatoge so the weaker staff can leave early. They know when I was the one in charge they could get away with anyhting and made me look bad every chance i was in charge. I went to finish the job with coworker and discuss what happened. Obviousbly i was probably upset. Ultimately i was sent home that day so coworker b$% could do there job but not at home as they are worthless. However i could getg sent home showing a bad message and ultimately get repromanded

Here is the recording in which coworker b$% is posterizing like aggresively with one arm over chair adn talks like a rude, lying, inconsiderate person and the other person telling me i am mean and interrupting adn was wrong is the boss. You know the one to quote at teh end “your services are no longer needed”.

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