
How do you guys feel about interviews that involve “free labour”?

I'm interested in what other folks think about this. I was being interviewed, alongside a few others, for a retail clothing sales role. The interview process was about 45 minutes, with about 20 minutes dedicated to essentially promoting the company's loyalty program (for 5 mins) and returning preselected items to their homes (15 minutes). To be honest, I liked this process FAR more than just typical verbal interviews. As someone who struggles a bit with interviews due to being neurodivergent, being given the opportunity to visibly show that I can do the job well was a huge plus. Was I essentially being used to promote a company without pay, and potentially won't get the job? Sure, but at least I felt I was actually able to show off my skills rather than relying on communicating my ability to perform well. What do you guys think? Should companies that can do…

I'm interested in what other folks think about this. I was being interviewed, alongside a few others, for a retail clothing sales role. The interview process was about 45 minutes, with about 20 minutes dedicated to essentially promoting the company's loyalty program (for 5 mins) and returning preselected items to their homes (15 minutes).

To be honest, I liked this process FAR more than just typical verbal interviews. As someone who struggles a bit with interviews due to being neurodivergent, being given the opportunity to visibly show that I can do the job well was a huge plus.

Was I essentially being used to promote a company without pay, and potentially won't get the job? Sure, but at least I felt I was actually able to show off my skills rather than relying on communicating my ability to perform well.

What do you guys think? Should companies that can do this adopt this style? Or is it a bad idea?

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